Homeless animals quickly lose their visual appeal, many of them look dirty, pathetic and sick. It was such a cat that roamed the streets of Royal Palm Beach, a city in the US state of Florida. The cat looked very unattractive and besides, he was probably blind, his eyes were always closed. The alien was noticed by one of the townspeople, who was feeding his cat on the lawn in front of the house. The blind cat went to the smell of food, and the man did not have the courage to chase the wanderer, he was very pathetic. After feeding the cat, he put it in a cage and started calling the zookeepers.

The chat was hosted by Carmen Weinberg, the founder of the Animal Friends project.
First of all, she took him to the veterinarian, who found that the cat was weak, dehydrated, suffering from mange and eye diseases, because of which he would never see again.
Carmen was particularly struck by the fact that during the examination the cat behaved calmly and even began to purr: he was clearly at home before, although he could not find a flea.
At home, Carmen placed the cat in the bathroom so that it would not infect her other cats.
She named the new pet Cotton and began to take care of him. The cat received daily medication prescribed by the veterinarian and gradually his condition began to improve. He not only gained weight, but also grew taller, turning into a snow-white handsome man. But the most important thing that gave Carmen great joy – Cotton once opened his eyes! It turned out that they are different colors, one yellow and the other blue.
It turned out the vet was wrong – Cotton’s vision was fully restored and he saw everything. It was like a miracle!
Carmen posted photos of the cat on the social network and received many applications from people who wanted to take the snow-white, multi-eyed handsome man for herself. Odako ultimately stayed with Carmen because she noticed the cat was too attached to her. A change of host would be a new stress for him, and he has already experienced a lot of adversity.
This is how mindless street dirt turned into a beautiful fluffy charmer, and all it took was a little work.